Crystal Reeves » Welcome to Mrs. Reeves' Website

Welcome to Mrs. Reeves' Website

Dear Students, 

I hope this message finds you excited and ready for another incredible school year. As we gather once again in our classrooms, I want you to know that I am thrilled to have you back. Our school is not just a place for learning; it's a community where each one of you plays a significant role.


This year, we have a lot of exciting opportunities and challenges ahead of us. We will explore new subjects, dive into creative projects, and share moments of laughter and friendship. Together, we will learn, grow, and BLOOM!


Remember, you are more capable than you realize. You have unique talents, passions, and perspectives that can make a difference in this world. Embrace your individuality, and don't be afraid to ask questions or seek help when needed. I am here to guide and nurture your curiosity.


As we embark on this academic journey, let's also remember the importance of kindness and respect. Each member of our school community deserves to be treated with dignity and understanding. Be supportive classmates, compassionate friends, and active participants in building a positive and inclusive environment.


To our returning students, welcome back! Your knowledge and experience will be invaluable in helping newcomers adjust to our school. To our new students, welcome aboard! We are excited to get to know you and help you feel at home.


Parents and guardians, I extend a warm welcome to you as well. Your partnership and involvement in your child's education are vital to their success, and I look forward to working with you.


Let's make this school year one to remember, filled with growth, joy, and accomplishments. Together, we can make a positive impact on each other's lives and create lasting memories.

Here's to a fantastic year ahead!



Mrs. Reeves