Parents » i-Ready Resources

i-Ready Resources

iReady is Here!
IReady Information
Students can log into to see their scores for the i-Ready diagnostic scores for the i-Ready testing completed at school/home done at the beginning of the year and again this winter. These i-Ready test scores are not calculated into student academic grades but are used to measure skill knowledge and progress.  Students and Parents will need to follow these instructions to locate their scores in the i-Ready platform.
1) Log into the Clever platform through Google from the school website using their school username and password.
2) Select Reading or Math
3) On the bottom of the page is a link with an arrow that is labeled My Progress. Click on this button.
4) Underneath the progress data is a link that says Completed Work. The link is just above the My Progress button. Click on this link. Any work the student has completed on i-Ready will show up here. Look for the items labeled Diagnostic. These scores will be 3 digits long
5) The 3 digit Diagnostic score listed is the overall score for testing. Click on Scale Scores to see grade placement for the score they have received. The numbers and placement vary from grade to grade. It is important to note that the first number in a scale score does not equate to a grade level. Appropriate grade level rages for the beginning, middle and end of the year scores are listed below. 
6) For additional information about i-ready, contact your child's ELA or Math teacher or see the Family Engagement Page
7) Grade Level On-Grade Ranges for Reading
On-Grade Ranges Grade 6 Grade 7 Grade 8
Early (Fall) 598-615 609-631 620-641
Mid (Winter) 616-640 632-653 642-669
Late/Max Score (Spring) 641-653 654-669 670-684
8) Grade Level On-Grade Ranges for Math
On-Grade Ranges Grade 6 Grade 7 Grade 8
Early (Fall) 495-513 508-530 518-540
Mid (Winter) 514-540 531-564 541-574
Late/Max Score (Spring) 541-564 565-574 575-585
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